IoT Envisioning

IoT Envisioning

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Internet of Things, or IoT, is an industry- and world-changing wave of transformation for manufacturers. Software, sensors, and IP-enabled connectivity are increasingly embedded into the products we design and build. IDC estimates there will be 30 billion connected “things” by 2020. This change defines a fundamental shift in how value is created for individual consumers, and across the entire global economy.

Not sure where to start?

Our expert team offers a vast array of IoT services. From consulting, to determining which of your devices and things need to be connected, to providing the platforms you need to get the best information out of those devices, we make sure of your company’s smooth transition into the Internet of Things.


CloudGarage’s IoT Suite

Our IoT Suite enables fast and scalable connection of things to the internet, allowing you to monitor and manage your devices in real-time and get flexible analytics reports.

Connectivity of Things

Creating connections to manage and optimize your things to enable greater efficiencies

Services for Things

Turning today’s reactive organizations into proactive practices that are able to predict needs

Strategy of Things

Building an IoT approach that is aligned to your things and integrates your objectives

Security of Things

Ensuring IoT platforms remain uncompromised with both data security with physical access

Commerce of Things

Enabling organizations to create new modes of business using IoT experiences and data

Analysis of Things

Analytics driven solution by leveraging real-time IoT data and extending it across the enterprise

Unlock the business value of connected devices

Travel like never before

Making vehicles smarter

From connected cars to connected fleets, we enable vehicles to share and process information. It’s all about making transportation safer, smarter – and more interesting.

Of nearly 1.3 million connected devices added in Q4 of 2014, 800,000 were connected cars.

Asset management

What’s more valuable than the assets you’re shipping and storing? Get real-time information on your asset location, movement, and shipping conditions. Our asset management gives you more control over your entire supply chain. .

243,000 refrigerated shipping containers are connected through IoT.

Better healthcare

When it comes to healthcare, the more information you have the better. And with our “smart” healthcare solutions – from secure mobile workstations to wearable technology – that’s exactly what doctors and patients get.

Adoption of wellness tracking and virtual care solutions will reach 60 million households and 74 million users by 2019.

Equipments & machineries

Shift your business into a higher gear with connected machinery and equipments. Our solutions enhance your key assets so they can analyze your environments and tell you when your assets need maintenance, repairs and up-gradations.

Tractors anticipating their own repairs? Crops requesting a little drink? It’s possible when connected machinery and devices can communicate with farmers in real time.

Realizing smart cities

The best cities have seamless utility management and with our connected solutions, you’re better equipped to manage the efficiency, reliability, and overall quality of practically any services on the grid. It’s simply a smarter way to live.

Alerts for garbage trucks to collect wastes, intelligent street lighting, energy utilization mapping are some of our promising solution accelerators.

Technology Expertise

Azure IoT Hub


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